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AMT is the acronym for Algorithm Management Toolkit. AMT has the goal to make algorithmic systems more transparent; it achieves this by generating standardized reports on the algorithmic system which encompasses both technical aspects in addition to descriptive information about the system and regulatory assessments. For both the system and the model the lifecycle is important and this needs to be taken into account. The definition for an algorithm is derived from the Algoritmeregister.

One of the goals of the TAD project is providing a standardized format of reporting on an algorithmic system by developing a Reporting Standard. This Reporting Standard consists out of a System Card which contains Model Cards and Assessment Cards.

The final result of the project is producing System, Model and Assessment Cards with both performance metrics and technical measurements on fairness and bias of the model, assessments on the system where the specific algorithm resides, and descriptive information about the system.

The requirements and instruments are dictated by the Algoritmekader.