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Comparison of tools for transparency of algorithmic decision making

We have researched a few tools which we want to investigate further, this document is the next step in that investigation. We created a checklist to compare these tools against. The Fulfilled column will give a numerical value based on whether that requirement is fulfilled or not between 0 and 1. Then the actual scoring is the fulfilled value times the priority (the priority is translated to numerical values in the following way: {M:4, S:3, C:2, W:-1}).

Summary of the comparison

Requirement AIVerify VerifyML IBM 360 Research Toolkit Holistic AI AI Assessment Tool
Functionality 36 42 20 17 22.85
Reliability 13 4 16 16 15.4
Usability 9.4 0 0 0 13
Help & Documentation 2.8 1.5 6.4 1.6 0.55
Performance Efficiency 7.5 11 11 11 11
Maintainability 15.8 24.5 29 23.5 25.6
Security 8.3 2 2 2 7.5
Compatibility 12.5 14 14 10 11
Accessibility 0 0 0 0 0.3
Portability 10.5 4.5 5.1 7.5 11.4
Deployment 1.5 0.6 1.2 3.6 3
Legal & Compliance 19 16 16 16 19
Total 136.3 120.1 120.7 108.2 140.6

Notable differences between the tools

AIVerify notes:

  • Technical tests are supported, but it can be quite slow because of overhead of the tool

  • More flexibility would need to be built in before people could use the technical tests

    • If you have many variables you are not able to show it in the pdf

    • The error messages in why technical tests don't work on the model are not user-friendly

VerifyML notes:

  • This tool is not actively developed anymore, parties transferred their focus to AIVerify

  • This tool does not support for assessments

IBM 360 toolkit notes:

  • The toolkit has a strong backing of the industry and the community

  • There are many technical tests included from the latest research, and also supports mitigation algorithms

  • It is purely for developers and has therefore no support for assessments

Holistic AI:

  • Like IBM 360 Toolkit it does differentiate to different type of technical assessments like bias and explainability, but it is less extensive than the 360 toolkit

  • The ambition is large of Holistic AI, they want to capture, Efficacy, Robustness, and Privacy tests as well

  • It is a private company from the United Kingdom which has open sourced part of their tool

AI Assessment Tool:

  • This tool does not have any technical tests, but outshines the others with the discussion on assessment option

  • It is also very performant

Summary per tool in one sentence

  • AIVerify is a tool with a UI to execute both assessments and technical tests.

  • VerifyML is a Python package to generate Model Cards.

  • Holistic AI is a Python package to test for and mitigate Bias in your model.

  • IBM 360 Research Toolkit is a Python and R package to test for Fairness & Explainability of your model.

  • AI Assessment Tool is a tool with a UI to execute assessments and log discussions.