Here we are documenting the processes and work of the AI Validation Team at the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations in The Netherlands.
We are a team of engineers, UX designers & researchers, and product experts at a policy department.
We work on the following projects within the Transparency of Algorithmic Decision making scope:
graph TB
ak[<a href='https://minbzk.github.io/Algoritmekader/'>Algoritmekader</a>] <--> amt
subgraph amt[Algorithm Management Toolkit]
ir[<a href='https://minbzk.github.io/instrument-registry'>Instrument Registry</a>] --> amp[<a href='https://github.com/MinBZK/amt/'>Algorithm Management Platform</a>]
st[<a href='/ai-validation/projects/amt/reporting-standard/'>Reporting Standard</a>] --> amp
amp <--> llm[<a href='/ai-validation/projects/llm-benchmarks/'>LLM Benchmark Tooling</a>]
amt --> ar[<a href='https://algoritmes.overheid.nl/en/'>The Algorithm Register of the Dutch government</a>]
amt --> or[Other registries]
Read our guide on how to contribute.